Feature Updates
  • 11 Apr 2024
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Feature Updates

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What’s New?

At Xplor Spot, we’re always updating and improving our products to better support you.


The internal messaging system featured in our SPOT platform allows for seamless communication between different employee groups, as well as individuals within your business. Now, with the most recent update to Connect, internal messages are back, with a revamped UI designed to simplify the way in which you communicate with the staff at your store. Learn More!

Connect Release: April 17th

Q2 Update! - 2024

Version 8.0.9170.0
We’ve made significant additions to Connect, bringing several of SPOT’s flagship features to our new platform, ensuring you have continued access to the features you’ve come to rely on for your everyday operations.

  • Introducing Internal Messages to Connect. Communicating with and among staff has never been easier, with a revamped UI and redesigned flow. Take advantage of Internal Messaging today!

  • We’ve implemented User Management to Connect, providing you the flexibility of managing your employee records from the convenience of Connect’s streamlined UI.

  • The Activity Log offers invaluable, granular reporting capabilities for all the events available through Connect and SPOT. We’ve reimagined the process by introducing a step-by-step workflow.

  • Merchandise is here on Connect. SKU/UPC scans are supported, ensuring quick and effortless selection of your most commonly purchased merchandise items.

  • The Delivery section of Connect has been revamped with new coding and quality of life changes to the visual components.

  • Route Plan Preview now contains filters that allow for easy removal of orders by status from the active manifest.

  • Service Plan list view has been updated to include Last 12 months of revenue and Last Visit dates.

  • Service Plan settings now appear in a workflow step design that simplifies and streamlines their configuration.

CustomerConnect Mobile Release: Mid-April

Q2 Update! - 2024

Version 2.0

CustomerConnect Mobile has been redesigned from the ground up into a full-fledged, streamlined and more powerful version 2.0

  • We’ve built CustomerConnect Mobile 2.0 with the cutting-edge of mobile development technology, improving on the prior iteration with faster response times, increased performance and fluidity.

  • With version 2.0, customization has never been easier. Define and configure banner images, update images & customizable terms and condition links, all straight through SPOT’s Program Configuration.

  • Changes to banners are made immediate, without a submission process that requires you to wait on the deployment of new assets. Take control of the look & feel of your app at a moment’s notice!

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