Time Clock: ADP
  • 14 Mar 2024
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Time Clock: ADP

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Article summary

ADP is an automated-time tracking company with no direct connection to SPOT. However, by popular request, SPOT created an export to be compatible with ADP.


ADP Export Setup: Specify the details required to submit information to the ADP online portal.

NOTE - This export is specific to the ADP online portal. Other products and services supplied by ADP may not be compatible.

ADP CO Code: Specify the CO Code required by the ADP Time Clock Export.

NOTE - this is not necessary unless you are using the included ADP Time Clock Export utility. Refer to 'ADP Export Setup' for required settings.

Setup > Program Configuration > Company Settings > Time Clock Settings > ADP CO Code

This is a three character code acquired by ADP.

Setup > Program Configuration > Company Settings > Time Clock Settings > ADP Export Setup

Specify the Cost Numbers by store/labor category.

Setup > Program Configuration > Company Settings > Time Clock Settings > Use Labor Categories

This must be ENABLED.

Setup > Program Configuration > Company Settings > Time Clock Settings > Labor Categories

This must be defined.

The export uses the secure SSN field of the user entry as the ADP user id (required).

ADP Timeclock Export

ADP Time Clock Export is available directly from within SPOT. The included time clock export is currently based on a two-week period and calculates standard and overtime hours based on a 40-hour work week.


After setup, use:
Menu > Time Clock >Run Time Clock Export

The resulting export file can then be imported into the ADP online portal. The online portal will perform any final validations, and, if successful, imports the entries.

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