Selling Subscriptions
  • 12 Mar 2024
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Selling Subscriptions

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Article summary

Subscriptions are a great tool to encourage customer loyalty and create a stable base of income for your company. You can sell subscriptions in either Spot or Connect. Before you can sell a subscription, you must configure your subscriptions in Spot.

Selling Subscriptions in Spot

To sell a subscription in Spot, complete these steps:

  1. Go to the merchandise button on the home screen.

  2. Choose the customer you want to sell the subscription to.

  3. Once in the Merchandise menu, enter the SKU of the subscription you would like to sell and select Finish.

  4. You will then be prompted to activate the subscription, select Yes - Activate.

  5. Complete the transaction by selecting the tender type.

    • If the customer doesn't have a CCOF, you won't be prompted to setup auto-renew.

    • If the customer has a CCOF and would like to auto-renew, select Yes.

Note: If a customer's account has a Cash Credit at the time of auto-renewal, that Cash Credit balance will be applied to the renewal fee.

Note: It may be helpful to generate barcodes for your Subscription items, instead of trying to remember the SKUs. See our free barcode generator tool to learn more.

Selling Subscriptions in Connect

To sell a subscription in Connect, complete these steps:

  1. Go to the customer's account.

  2. Click the Subscriptions tab.

  3. Click the + Add button.

  4. Select a plan and a level.

  5. Click Subscribe. The Auto Renewal switch defaults to On. You can turn it off if the customer doesn't want the subscription to automatically renew.

  6. Click Pay.

    • If the customer doesn't have a CCOF, you will be prompted to add a card.

    • If the customer has a CCOF, you will go straight to the Pickup screen to complete the transaction.

  7. Click Finish and complete the transaction.

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