Spot Master Twilio Account FAQ
  • 05 Aug 2024
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Spot Master Twilio Account FAQ

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Article summary

To ease the implementation process of your SMS features, we’ve built an FAQ that hopes to answer most of your questions surrounding the process of requesting a toll-free phone number and SMS services.

How long will it take to get my new toll-free number?

  • It will take 2 business days to provision. Your new phone number will have provisional approval for up to 2000 messages per day, 6000 messages per week or 10,000 per month.

  • We will configure SPOT and, if necessary, route reminders to use your new number

  • Once final approval of the registration is complete, Twilio will send you an email notifying you that your new number is approved. Once this is completed, there will no longer be limits on sending.  This step will take approximately 3 weeks.

How much does it cost?

  • The costs will be the same with the main difference being that you will no longer need a credit card on file with Twilio. Twilio will bill SPOT for your usage and your Twilio charges will be billed on your monthly SPOT invoice.

Do I need to submit a form for each of my store locations?

  • No, you only need to submit the form once as we will only provision one new toll-free number.

  • The form will ask for a workstation ID. This simply helps us to identify your account in SPOT. You can locate an ID at the top of your SPOT screen:


What is call-forwarding?

  • Call-forwarding allows for you to enter a phone number for which calls will forward to if a customer calls the toll-free number. If you do not want call forwarding on your Twilio toll-free number, simply enter 000-000-0000 for the call forwarding number on the Twilio submission form.

What is the difference between having your own Twilio account and SPOT Managed account: A) Your own account:

  1. 10DLC (local) Number which will continue to have changing regulations.

  2. Requires compliance registration (very difficult to secure)

  3. You must manage the registration, and any other functions required in Twilio.

B) SPOT Managed:

  1. Toll-Free Number

  2. Requires Toll Free verification – We manage this process for you

  3. We manage all things Twilio, relieving you of the responsibility of managing your account.

What do I do with my old Twilio phone number once the new Toll-Free is fully approved?

  • Once we have completely migrated all your SPOT and Route Reminder messages over to the SPOT Managed account you will be able to release your old number from Twilio.

Will I still be able to see my Twilio logs?

  • Yes, you will be able to see your logs, usage, and any errors by going to Help > Support Portal from SPOT and clicking on Twilio.


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