OTS Token list
  • 29 Aug 2024
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OTS Token list

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OTS Token list

All of the tokens listed here are for use on OTS only templates.

All tokens listed here are proceeded by an '@' symbol when used in a template. Example: Token 'ADDRESS1' would be used as '@ADDRESS1' in the template.


@Address1 : This is the first address listed for a customer in customer view. Customer View > General > Address

@Address2 : This is the second address listed for the customer in the customer view. Customer View > General > Address (Second listed)

@BillingAddress1 : First listed billing type address. Customer View > General > More Addresses

@BillingAddress2 : Second listed billing type address. Customer View > General > More Addresses

@BillingCity : First listed billing type city. Customer View > General > More Addresses

@BillingPostalCode : First listed billing type zip. Customer View > General > More Addresses

@BillingState : First listed billing type state. Customer View > General > More Addresses

@City : City listed for the customer. Customer View > Details

@Credit : Customer’s available cash credit.

@CustomerBirthday : Birthday listed for the customer. Customer View > Details > Dates > (Birthday listed.)

@CustomerGuid : ClientAccount.InstanceID GUID.

@CustomerID : ClientAccount.LexicalKey, which is displayed in Customer View as @ and generally referred to as the Customer ID.

@CustomerQRCode : CustomerID (ClientAccount.LexicalKey) encoded in a QR code. Could be used at a properly equipped kiosk to start a pickup by opening the email message on a smartphone and scanning the QR code.

@CustomerSignup : Customer Signup date. Customer View > Details > Dates > (Signup date listed.)

@Email : Customers Email listed. Customer View > General > Email

@FirstName : Listed first name of the customer. Customer View > General > First Name

@InviteCode : Code generated from customer view. Customer View > General > Invitation code

@LastName : Listed last name of the customer. Customer View > General > Last Name

@Name : Customer’s full name.

@Phone : Listed phone number for the customer. Customer View > General > Phone 1

@PhoneMobile : Listed mobile phone number for the customer. Customer View > General > More Phones¦ > (First listed 'Mobile' type.)

@PhoneOther : Listed 'other' phone number for the customer. Customer View > General > More Phones¦ > (First listed 'Other' type.)

@PhoneWork : Listed work phone number for the customer. Customer View > General > More Phones¦ > (First listed 'Work' type.)

@PostalCode : Zip code for listed for the customer. Customer View > General > Zip

@RewardsBalance : Current point total for the rewards program listed for the customer. Customer View > Details > (Rewards program) > Points Accrued:

@State : Listed state of the customer. Customer View > General > State

@Title : Customer title (Mr, Ms, etc).


@Clerk : First name of the SPOT user logged into the SPOT session that triggered the email

@ClerkFullName : Full name of the SPOT user logged into the SPOT session that triggered the email

@StoreAddress1 : Listed Store address. Setup > Location Information > Store Addresses > (Type)Physical > Address 1

@StoreAddress2 : Listed Store address 2. Setup > Location Information > Store Addresses > (Type)Physical > Address 2

@StoreCity : Listed Store city. Setup > Location Information > Store Addresses > (Type)Physical > City

@StoreContact : Listed Store contact. Setup > Location Information > Contact

@StoreContactPicture : Listed Store picture. Setup > Location Information > Contact Picture

@StoreEmail : Listed Store email. Setup > Location Information > Email Address

@StoreFax : Listed Store fax. Setup > Location Information > Store Addresses > (Type)Physical > Fax

@StoreGuid : Store uniqueidentifier (SPAccountNode.InstanceID). For use in API URLs

@StoreHours : Listed Store hours. Setup > Location Information > Hours of Operation

@StoreName : Listed Store name. Setup > Location Information > Store Name

@StoreNumber : Listed Store number. Setup > Location Information > Store Number

@StorePhone : Listed Store phone. Setup > Location Information > Store Addresses > (Type)Physical > Phone

@StoreState : Listed Store state. Setup > Location Information > Store Addresses > (Type)Physical > State

@StoreWebSite : Listed Store website. Setup > Location Information > Web Site

@StoreZip : Listed Store zip. Setup > Location Information > Store Addresses > (Type)Physical > Zip


@CompanyAddress1 : Address listed for the company. Setup > Location Information > Company > Adress1

@CompanyAddress2 : Second address listed for the company. Setup > Location Information > Company > Adress2

@CompanyBillingEmail : Location Settings > Company > Company Contacts > Title/Role = Billing, Email

@CompanyBillingName : Location Settings > Company > Company Contacts > Title/Role = Billing, Name

@CompanyBillingPhone : Location Settings > Company > Company Contacts > Title/Role = Billing, Phone

@CompanyCity : City listed for the company. Setup > Location Information > Company > City

@CompanyContact : Contact listed for the company. Setup > Location Information > Company > Contacts.. > (Contact listed as primary)

@CompanyEmail : Email listed for the company. Setup > Location Information > Company > Contacts.. > (Contact listed as primary, email)

@CompanyGuid : The company’s unique identifier (SPAccount.InstanceID)

@CompanyID : The company’s unique identifier (SPAccount.InstanceID)

@CompanyName : Name listed for the company. Setup > Location Information > Company > Name

@CompanyOfficeEmail : Location Settings > Company > Company Contacts > Title/Role = Office, Email

@CompanyOfficeName : Location Settings > Company > Company Contacts > Title/Role = Office, Name

@CompanyOfficePhone : Location Settings > Company > Company Contacts > Title/Role = Office, Phone

@CompanyPhone : Phone listed for the company. Setup > Location Information > Company > Phone#

@CompanyPublishableInstanceID : SPAccountNodeGroup.PublishableInstanceID if present, otherwise SPAccount.PublishableInstanceID.

@CompanyState : State listed for the company. Setup > Location Information > Company > State/Province

@CompanyWebSite_CustomerConnect : Location Settings > Company > Company Websites > Title = CustomerConnect

@CompanyWebSite_FaceBook : Location Settings > Company > Company Websites > Title = FaceBook

@CompanyWebSite_HomePage : Location Settings > Company > Company Websites > Title = HomePage

@CompanyWebSite_LinkedIn : Location Settings > Company > Company Websites > Title = LinkedIn

@CompanyWebSite_MobileApp : Location Settings > Company > Company Websites > Title = MobileApp

@CompanyWebSite_Other1Url : Location Settings > Company > Company Websites > Title = Other1Url

@CompanyWebSite_Other2Url : Location Settings > Company > Company Websites > Title = Other2Url

@CompanyWebSite_Twitter : Location Settings > Company > Company Websites > Title = Twitter

@CompanyZip : Zip listed for the company. Setup > Location Information > Company > Zip Code


@FirstPickup : Customer’s first pickup date according to SPOT. (ClientAccount.FirstPickupDateTime). Formatted according to the settings of the locality selected in the customer’s home store.

@FirstVisit : Customer’s first visit date according to SPOT. (ClientAccount.FirstVisitDateTime). Formatted according to the settings of the locality selected in the customer’s home store.

@LastVisit : Customer’s last pickup date according to SPOT. (ClientAccount.LastPickupDateTime). Formatted according to the settings of the locality selected in the customer’s home store.

@Orders : Count of orders in the visit.

@Pieces : Number of garments in the orders in the visit.

@Price : Total price of the orders making up the visit.


These tokens are only used for the Overdue Inventory batch type, which is for orders that are ready but have not been picked up. These tokens have a structure following this pattern (brackets are to show grouping and are not part of the token):


A [quantity_type] of “Amount” gives the combined price of the orders that are waiting to be picked up.

A [quantity_type] of “Count” gives the number of pieces (garments) that are waiting to be picked up.

A [quantity_type] of “Orders” gives the number of orders that are waiting to be picked up.

[Days] is the number of days by which the order(s) must be ready but not picked up by the customer. If the token name includes Strict then this will be exactly and only that many days, otherwise it will be from [days] to the next highest [days].


  • @Late7Orders: The number of orders that have been waiting for this customer to pick them up from 7 days to 13 days.

  • @Late7OrdersStrict: The number of orders that have been waiting exactly 7 days to be picked up

  • @LateAllCount: The number of pieces the customer hasn’t yet picked up, regardless of how long they have been ready.













































@AwardBarcode : This gives a QR code for any award coupons associated with the OTS batch. Cannot be used in the same batch as CouponURL.

@AwardCouponBarcode : This gives a QR code for any award coupons associated with the OTS batch. Cannot be used in the same batch as CouponURL.

@AwardCouponID : This will give the plain text of the coupon barcode.

@AwardExpiration : The expiration date(s) of the award coupon(s). Formatted according to the settings of the locality selected in the customer’s home store.

@AwardID : This will give the plain text of the coupon barcode.

@AwardName : The name(s) of the associated award coupon(s).

@CouponURL : Generates an API URL that, if followed, awards the customer the award coupon associated with the batch. AKA “Click-to-Redeem”.


@Day1 : Route Reminders Interactive batches only. Day1 through Day5 are the full names of up to five visit days the customer can choose in response.

@Day2 : Route Reminders Interactive batches only. Day1 through Day5 are the full names of up to five visit days the customer can choose in response.

@Day3 : Route Reminders Interactive batches only. Day1 through Day5 are the full names of up to five visit days the customer can choose in response.

@Day4 : Route Reminders Interactive batches only. Day1 through Day5 are the full names of up to five visit days the customer can choose in response.

@Day5 : Route Reminders Interactive batches only. Day1 through Day5 are the full names of up to five visit days the customer can choose in response.

@Days : Route Reminders Interactive batches only. Day1 through Day5 are the full names of up to five visit days the customer can choose in response.

@DaysNumbers : Same list as Day1 through Day5, but in one token, with an ordinal number in front. The ordinal is just the position of that option in the list, it is not the date or the number of the day within the week. Ex: “1 Mon, 2 Wed or 3”.

@DelDaysCal : HTML Calendar of visit days a customer can choose from in a Route Reminder batch.

@DelDaysVisit : List of visit dates in a URL friendly format. Used in the API postback URL that is triggered when a user clicks a date in the HTML Calendar presented by DelDaysCal. Not to be used in a message directly.

@RouteDays : List of route pickup days for the customer separated by /.

@RouteDriver : Current recommended setting (overrides legacy): Store > Route Settings > Routes > [Route Name] > Primary Driver. Primary Driver selects from the drivers defined in Store > Route Settings > Drivers. /Legacy Settings: Store > Route Settings > Routes > [Route Name] > Driver Name

@RouteDriverEmail : Current recommended setting (overrides legacy): Store > Route Settings > Routes > [Route Name] > Primary Driver. Primary Driver selects from the drivers defined in Store > Route Settings > Drivers. /Legacy Settings: Store > Route Settings > Routes > [Route Name] > Driver Email Address

@RouteDriverPhone : Current recommended setting (overrides legacy): Store > Route Settings > Routes > [Route Name] > Primary Driver. Primary Driver selects from the drivers defined in Store > Route Settings > Drivers. /Legacy Settings: Store > Route Settings > Routes > [Route Name] > Driver Phone Number

@RouteDriverPicture : Store > Route Settings > Drivers > [Driver Name] > Driver Image.

@RouteName : Associated route, name . Setup > Program Configuration > Store > Route Settings > Routes > (Route) > Name

@RouteSignup : Date when the customer was first added to a route according to SPOT. (ClientAccount.RouteSignupDateTime). Formatted according to the settings of the locality selected in the customer’s home store.


@AR30Balance : Value listed under Customer View > A/R - CC > Account Information > Billed Aging > 0-30

@AR60Balance : Value listed under Customer View > A/R - CC > Account Information > Billed Aging > 31-60

@AR90Balance : Value listed under Customer View > A/R - CC > Account Information > Billed Aging > 61-90

@ARCurBalance : This is the billed account balance for the customer. Customer View > A/R - CC > Billed Aging

@ARTotalBalance : This is the posted account balance for the customer. Customer View > A/R - CC > Posted Aging

Credit Cards

@CCExp : CCOF expiration date

@CCExpire : CCOF expiration date

@CCInfo : Combination of CCTYPE and CCLASTFOUR

@CCLastFour : Last 4 digits of CCOF

@CCType : CCOF type (VISA, MC, AMEX, etc)


@PaymentAmount : Amount of the payment.

@PaymentDate : The formats specified in the SPOT Locality definition selected in Location Information > Store are used.

@PaymentDetail : Credit card last 4 digits for a credit card payment, nothing for other payment types.

@PaymentType : Declined CCOF batch only. The abbreviated type (TenderTypeToken) of the payment (CASH, CHECK, VISA, MC, etc).


@BatchDate : This is the associated OTS batch date. Menu > Email/Messaging > Email - Campaign > View Details

@BatchID : The batch ID number.

@BatchName : This is the associated OTS batch name. Menu > Email/Messaging > Email - Campaign

@BatchTime : This is the associated OTS batch time. Menu > Email/Messaging > Email - Campaign > View Details

@Date : Current date without the time.

@DateTime : The formats specified in the SPOT Locality definition selected in Location Information > Store are used.

@MessageID : A unique identifier for the message (EmailTrackingMessage.InstanceID).

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