Order View Individual Invoice Token Reference
  • 18 Mar 2024
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Order View Individual Invoice Token Reference

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Order View Individual Invoice Token Reference

All tokens listed here are proceeded by an '@' symbol when used in a template. Example: Token ' ADDRESS1' would be used as '@ADDRESS1' in the template.


@ADDRESS1 : This is the first address listed for a customer in customer view. Customer View > General > Address

@ADDRESS2 : This is the second address listed for the customer in the customer view. Customer View > General > Address (Second listed)

@CHARITYPROGRAM : Charity program assigned to the customer.

@CITY : City listed for the customer. Customer View > Details

@CONTACT : Business customer “Contact” name.

@CREDIT : Customer’s available cash credit.

@CUSTOMERBIRTHDAY : Birthday listed for the customer. Customer View > Details > Dates > (Birthday listed.)

@CUSTOMERGUID : ClientAccount.InstanceID GUID.

@CUSTOMERID : ClientAccount.LexicalKey, which is displayed in Customer View as “ID” and generally referred to as the Customer ID.

@CUSTOMERSIGNUP : Customer Signup date. Customer View > Details > Dates > (Signup date listed.)

@CUSTOMFIELDx : Shorthand for one of: CUSTOMFIELD1, CUSTOMFIELD2, CUSTOMFIELD3, CUSTOMFIELD4, etc. Each is replaced with the value of the custom field in order listed on Customer View > Details. (Order is controlled by arranging them in the Custom Fields collection in Setup > Program Configuration > Company > Customer Settings).

@EMAIL : Customers Email listed. Customer View > General > Email

@EMAIL2 : Additional Email listed for the customer. Customer View > General > More Email addresses > Email2

@FIRSTNAME : Listed first name of the customer. Customer View > General > First Name

@HOTELGUESTNAME : The guest name or room number entered when detailing a hotel invoice. Of course the message must have an associated hotel invoice.

@HOTELROOMNUMBER : The guest name or room number entered when detailing a hotel invoice. Of course the message must have an associated hotel invoice.

@ID : Customer ID. Customer View > General > ID

@LASTNAME : Listed last name of the customer. Customer View > General > Last Name

@LOCKERPIN : Customer locker pin. Customer View > Details > PIN:

@PHONE : Listed phone number for the customer. Customer View > General > Phone 1

@PHONEMOBILE : Listed mobile phone number for the customer. Customer View > General > More Phones… > (First listed 'Mobile' type.)

@PHONEOTHER : Listed 'other' phone number for the customer. Customer View > General > More Phones… > (First listed 'Other' type.)

@PHONEPAGER : Listed pager phone number for the customer. Customer View > General > More Phones… > (First listed 'Pager' type.)

@PHONESMS : Listed mobile phone number for the customer. Customer View > General > More Phones… > (First listed 'Mobile' type.)

@PHONEWORK : Listed work phone number for the customer. Customer View > General > More Phones… > (First listed 'Work' type.)

@POSTALCODE : Zip code for listed for the customer. Customer View > General > Zip

@REWARDID : Name of the reward program listed for the customer. Customer View > Details > (Rewards program selected.)

@REWARDSBALANCE : Current point total for the rewards program listed for the customer. Customer View > Details > (Rewards program) > Points Accrude:

@STATE : Listed state of the customer. Customer View > General > State


@BALANCE : Any unpaid amount in a visit.

@DEPARTMENTGROUPNAME : Department group name of the associated invoice, if in a context that has an associated invoice.

@HSLID: The HSL number.

@HSLPHOTO: The photo itself (resized to 1024x786 pixels, if larger).

@HSLCLERK: The clerk that took the photo.

@HSLCOMMENT: The comment entered with the photo, if any.

@HSLPHOTODATE: The date the photo was uploaded.

@INDIVIDUALINVOICE : Invoice for a single invoice visit.

@INVOICENUMBER : The invoice number of the associated invoice.

@ITEMLIST : List of counts, by DepartmentName/CategoryName/ItemName, separated by <br>.

@ORDERS : Count of orders in the visit.

@PIECES : Number of garments in the orders in the visit.

@PRICE : Total price of the orders making up the visit.

@PROMISEDDATE : Promised date of the associated invoice(s). (Includes time.)

@PROMISEDDATENOTIME : Promised date of the associated invoice(s). (excludes time.)

@RACKLOCATION : Rack location of the associated invoice.

@TAGLIST : List of all item tag values in the associated invoice. Technically usable with a visit but will only display for one of the invoices.

@TOTALDUE : Any unpaid amount in a visit.


@ACCOUNTNODEID : The SPAccountNode.InstanceID GUID for the store.

@CLERK : First name of the SPOT user logged into the SPOT session that triggered the email

@CLERKFULLNAME : Full name of the SPOT user logged into the SPOT session that triggered the email

@STOREADDRESS1 : Listed Store address. Setup > Location Information > Store Addresses > (Type)Physical > Address 1

@STOREADDRESS2 : Listed Store address 2. Setup > Location Information > Store Addresses > (Type)Physical > Address 2

@STOREADDRESSEE : Listed Store addressee. Setup > Location Information > Store Addresses > (Type)Physical > Addressee

@STORECITY : Listed Store city. Setup > Location Information > Store Addresses > (Type)Physical > City

@STORECONTACT : Listed Store contact. Setup > Location Information > Contact

@STOREEMAIL : Listed Store email. Setup > Location Information > Email Address

@STOREFAX : Listed Store fax. Setup > Location Information > Store Addresses > (Type)Physical > Fax

@STOREHOURS : Listed Store hours. Setup > Location Information > Hours of Operation

@STORENAME : Listed Store name. Setup > Location Information > Store Name

@STORENUMBER : Listed Store number. Setup > Location Information > Store number

@STOREPHONE : Listed Store phone. Setup > Location Information > Store Addresses > (Type)Physical > Phone

@STORESTATE : Listed Store state. Setup > Location Information > Store Addresses > (Type)Physical > State

@STOREWEBSITE : Listed Store website. Setup > Location Information > Web Site

@STOREZIP : Listed Store zip. Setup > Location Information > Store Addresses > (Type)Physical > Zip


@COMPANYADDRESS1 : Address listed for the company. Setup > Location Information > Company > Adress1

@COMPANYADDRESS2 : Second address listed for the company. Setup > Location Information > Company > Adress2

@COMPANYCITY : City listed for the company. Setup > Location Information > Company > City

@COMPANYCONTACT : Contact listed for the company. Setup > Location Information > Company > Contacts.. > (Contact listed as primary)

@COMPANYEMAIL : Email listed for the company. Setup > Location Information > Company > Contacts.. > (Contact listed as primary, email)

@COMPANYNAME : Name listed for the company. Setup > Location Information > Company > Name

@COMPANYPHONE : Phone listed for the company. Setup > Location Information > Company > Phone#

@COMPANYSTATE : State listed for the company. Setup > Location Information > Company > State/Province

@COMPANYZIP : Zip listed for the company. Setup > Location Information > Company > Zip Code


@DRIVEREMAIL : Driver Email listed. Setup > Program Configuration > Store > Route Settings > Drivers > (Driver) > Driver Email Address

@DRIVERNAME : Driver name listed. Setup > Program Configuration > Store > Route Settings > Drivers > (Driver) > Driver Display Name

@DRIVERPHONE : Driver phone listed. Setup > Program Configuration > Store > Route Settings > Drivers > (Driver) > Driver phone Address

@ROUTEADDRESS1 : Listed route address 1 for a customer. Customer View > General > More Adresses… > (First listed 'Route' type. Address1.)

@ROUTEADDRESS2 : Listed route address 2 for a customer. Customer View > General > More Adresses… > (First listed 'Route' type. Address2.)

@ROUTECITY : Listed route city for a customer. Customer View > General > More Adresses… > (First listed 'Route' type. City.)

@ROUTENAME : Route name of the route the customer belongs to.

@ROUTEPOSTALCODE : Listed route postal code for a customer. Customer View > General > More Adresses… > (First listed 'Route' type. Zip Code.)

@ROUTESTATE : Listed State for the route assigned to the customer.

@ROUTEZIP : Listed route zip for a customer. Customer View > General > More Adresses… > (First listed 'Route' type. Zip Code.)


@LOCKERINVOICES : The string "The following order(s) are available for locker pickup: " followed by a list of locker numbers and invoice numbers.

Credit Card

@CCEXP : CCOF expiration date

@CCEXPIRE : CCOF expiration date

@CCINFO : Combination of CCTYPE and CCLASTFOUR

@CCLASTFOUR : Last 4 digits of CCOF

@CCTYPE : CCOF type (VISA, MC, AMEX, etc)


@ACCTBALANCE : This is the posted account balance for the customer. Customer View > A/R - CC > Posted Aging

@ARMASTERACCOUNT : This will list the customer name found in customer view for the master account. Customer View > General > Last, First/Company

@BILLEDACCTBALANCE : This is the billed account balance for the customer. Customer View > A/R - CC > Billed Aging


@DATE : Current date without the time.

@DATETIME : The formats specified in the SPOT Locality definition selected in Location Information > Store are used.

@TRACKINGGROUPID : The unique identifier of the marketing campaign associated with this message, if any.

@TRACKINGURL : Value of Setup > Program Configuration > Store > Email Settings > Tracking URL

@UNSUBSCRIBETEMPLATE : Contents of Setup > Program Configuration > Store > Email Settings > Unsubscribe Message File (HTML)

@UNSUBSCRIBEURL : Value of Setup > Program Configuration > Store > Email Settings > Unsubscribe URL

@UPDATELINK : Generates a link to the API that if followed prompts the customer to update their CCOF.

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