Getting Started with Credit Cards
  • 12 Mar 2024
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Getting Started with Credit Cards

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Article summary

When it comes to finances, it is vital to your business to get it right. That is why SPOT exclusively integrates with Clearent. Together, SPOT and Clearent are able to deliver a fast and efficient way processing for your credit card transactions.

To get started with your Clearent integration contact our Sales department at 801-208-2212.

How does the process work?

Once you call our sales team and we gather your contact information, we reach out to our friends at Clearent. Next, one of the experts from Clearent will contact you via phone or email and work with you to find how they can best serve your needs. Once all the necessary information is exchanged and the paperwork signed, the Clearent team gets to work setting up your credit card profile(s) in SPOT and they send out your terminals. This entire process can take as little as two days!

What you need to complete the process

When you contact SPOT, be prepared to give them a good email and phone number, along with the best time to contact you.

When working with Clearent you will need a few things:

  • Voided business check for the account you want to associate your transactions with.

  • Processing statement from your existing credit card processor (if you have one) so Clearent can do a rate analysis.

  • Be prepared to e-sign documents from Clearent.


  • At least one SPOT license

  • Consistent internet connection to your SPOT licenses


Clearent supports two different terminals with SPOT.

PAX D210

This is a wireless terminal, connected via wifi. This terminal is used for mobile needs, such as a drive through.

PAX S300

This terminal is the more common of the two. This terminal is used along side SPOT stations for day-to-day transactions.

Best Practices

Card brand fees vary in amount based on numerous factors including industry type, transaction amount, whether the transaction was authorized at the time of the sale, and the timeliness of remitting a sale for payment. There are several rates that may apply to your transactions, depending on your method of processing each transaction. When setting rate qualification criteria, the governing card brand may consider the card product used in the transaction, how the transaction data is entered into the terminal, and the time of settlement versus the time of authorization.

Card Present Qualifying Requirements

  • Card is present, full magnetic stripe is read by terminal, and signature is obtained

  • One electronic authorization is made per transaction and the transaction date is equal to the authorization date

  • Authorization transaction amount must match settled transaction amount (excluding restaurants)

  • >Additional data may be required at terminal for commercial cards

  • Terminals should be set to automatically settle the batch during nighttime hours, and must be left on and connected in order to accomplish this task

Mail Order/Telephone Order/Internet Qualifying Requirements

  • One electronic authorization request is made per transaction date is equal to the ready, delivery, or pickup date according to how SPOT and the customer is set up

  • For Internet transactions, the authorization request message must include the Address, SPOT will use the customer Billing Address if present, Primary Address if no Billing Address

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